Guitar Lessons
To become a guitarist you must repeat these same four things (with infinite variety) as close to everyday as possible (Multiple days a week would be great)
1. Right Hand Exercises: Mauro Giuliani's 120 Right Hand Studies is a good choice to begin RH studies. You can find Eric's open string arrangement of 1-5 below
2. Left Hand Exercises: These are scales. An easy one to start with is the chromatic scale on the first string. Eric's engraving is at the bottom of this page
3. Chords: The easiest selection to learn is G, C, Em, Am & D. (Diatonic chords in the key of G.) A basic selection of beginner chords is below
4. Songs: You can pick any song (preferably with guitar), I have over a hundred songs arranged and I can transcribe your favorite songs too!